Make a One-of-a-Kind Cosmetologist School
Graduation Cap!

You can make a cosmetologist school graduation cap that is uniquely you and cheap.

A beauty school graduation cap will put a period at the end of your time in cosmetologist school and mark the beginning of your exciting beauty career.

I had a wonderful friend during beauty school that had a crafty side to her. She made me this beautiful graduation cap to celebrate my final day when all of my 1500 hours were clocked.

A New Cosmetologist School Tradition was Started

My classmates started doing this for each other.  It was  a great team building exercise and such a thoughtful way to reward a classmate who finished her hours. 

Going to beauty school is different because you don't get the usual graduation day celebration.  But my friends and I found a way to make every graduate have a good memory.

We started a tradition and the caps just kept getting crazier! My salon floor instructor would play the graduation music on her phone while we did our "graduation walk" around the salon as everyone clapped and cheered!

Do it for your friends and hopefully they will do it for you.  Have fun!

Cosmetologist School
Graduation Cap Pattern

This is really cheap. You will need a square piece of cardboard, 13 X 13, a poster board for the cap part, some kind of wrapping paper, scissors, tape, stapler or glue, a ruler and pen. You could do for as little as $.50, if you had the supplies handy.

Measure your head then allow an extra inch. Mine was 22 inches so I cut a piece from the poster board 23 inches long. You need the extra inch for stapling it together.  Make it 3 inches deep with an extra 3 inches to make flaps that will attach it to the top. Just eyeball the flaps.

(Pay no attention to the white piece of paper in the picture.)

Staple the ends of the strip together to form a cap.

Wrap the cardboard square in any paper you like.  If you choose a plain paper, the other students can sign it and make a nice memory for the graduate!

For a tassel, use your imagination!  Go to Hobby Lobby for the extras.  I found a scissor and comb Christmas ornament that would have been awesome as a tassel. Then she could use it as an ornament and have the memory for years. But if money is an issue, a neck strip will do!

Attach the poster board rim flaps to the bottom of the cardboard square.  You can use tape or glue. Whatever you have lying around.

Wrap the top again to cover the ugly flaps. You don't want them to show when the graduate is wearing their graduation cap.

Decorate it any way you like to reflect the graduate's personality.  You could find a bunch of stuff from your cosmetologist school kit! Bobby pins, rollers, neck strips, clips, etc.

My friend used gems and a furry tassel.  I absolutely loved it!

A really good beauty school graduation cap! (Thank you, Christie Crowe)

A fast, cheap and easy graduation cap that is a blank slate to decorate.

Did you make a unique Graduation Cap?

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